'Thumbs up for all of YOU *THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SUBMITTED A QUESTION for today\'s Q&A!! As you can see I talk and talk and talk. If I answered them all this video would be hours long ;) If you have any other questions you want me to answer comment below and I will do my best to get back to as many of you as possible!! XOXO *FASHION BLOG http://www.thebeautybybel.com RECENT VIDEOS: *PEACHY VALENTINE\'S DAY MAKEUP https://youtu.be/XhagLX1DXUI *GRWM: CHIT CHAT & TURQUOISE EYES https://youtu.be/gfxg-odGQDY *MY FAVORITE PRODUCTS OF 2016 https://youtu.be/MfO3wi4Tfeg *GRWM: TURQUOISE EYES: https://youtu.be/gfxg-odGQDY *BOYFRIEND DOES VOICEOVER https://youtu.be/cxfeofHnuEU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hiiii my loves!! Today I have a Q&A for you! It\'s been awhile since i\'ve done one. I asked you guys to tweet me questions (@CarliBybel on twitter) yesterday and I sat down to answer. I always enjoy filming these for you guys. I never know what you\'re going to ask and it\'s fun to be able to just chat about life. I open up a lot in this video on my views with a lot of things. I am in no way saying my way is the only way. These are just things I personally believe through my own life experiences. Everyone is free to have their own opinion so please don\'t take anything I said personally. We need a lot more love in todays world :) I love you all endlessly! I hope you enjoy this Q&A and hopefully you learned something new about me. XOXO Carli Seen on Me: *CELL PHONE CASE: 15% OFF CODE: CARLI http://bit.ly/2j8KCAA Earrings: 25% off code; carlixoxo https://www.princesspjewelry.com/products/732-earrings Rings: (on my right ring finger) http://bit.ly/2jfVTSb All other rings: Indigo Lune Top: OLDDD forever 21 :) *Vans multigrain 8 whole grain waffles *PURE Maple syrup (only ingredient is maple syrup. NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP!!) *Canon 5d mark iv http://amzn.to/2jNei9D *Canon 5d mark iii http://amzn.to/2it3BHe *Sony A5100 http://amzn.to/2jfV2kA *ZEITGEIST DOCUMENTRY NETFLIX *Game of Thrones HBO *Westworld on HBO *OA on Netflix *TRY A PLANT BASED DIET FOR 2 WEEKS OR A MONTH! let me know how it goes :) *Mirana Lambert Dear Old Sun from her new album Weight of these Wings *Save your money for important things. Don\'t feel pressure to constantly have to buy buy buy and keep up with an unrealistic life style. *We are ALL HUMAN BEINGS. Regardless of race, religion or skin tone. Let\'s just stop judging everyone and focus on ourselves. The only way we can change the world is by changing ourselves first. ILY *Seat of the Soul http://amzn.to/2ilnlOE *The Four Agreements http://amzn.to/2jg2Mmn *Mitch Albom: The First Call from Heaven, the Five People You Meet in Heaven, For One More Day, Tuesday\'s with Morrie *Three Pillars of Zen http://amzn.to/2ilmL3z *The Untethored Soul http://amzn.to/2jFdaR8 *The Surrender Experiment http://amzn.to/2jsr89Y *The Birthday Book http://amzn.to/2ilhWqX *The Fifth Agreement http://amzn.to/2jsj2Oy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SEND ME LETTERS!! BEAUTY BY CARLI BYBEL 450 SHREWSBURY PLAZA #303 SHREWSBURY, NJ 07702 Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CarliBel http://www.instagram.com/TheFashionBybel - My Fashion Page for OOTD Follow me on SNAPCHAT! CarliPenguin5 Come check out my beauty page for quotes & love! http://www.facebook.com/beautybycarli Disclaimer: this video is NOT sponsored. I was not paid in any way shape or form to create this video. All opinions are my own and honest as always. Some links posted above may be affiliate links which means I make a commission if you purchase the item.'
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